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A piece of paper with a lot of text on it.
The cover of the white lick community news for september 2022.
A piece of paper with a lot of text on it.
A white background with a lot of text on it

August 10, 2022, Board Meeting Minutes

Call to order

3:30pm by Derry Shrock

A meeting of White Lick HOA was held at PSG Office on August 10, 2022 at 3:30 pm


• Brenda Burgeson, Derry Shrock, John Schwegman, Janet Longest

Members not in attendance

• Ralph Moore

Approval of minutes

• Approved by email by all board members except Ralph Moore. He felt since he was not elected by the homeowners he didn’t have a say. 

June and July minutes approved by email 

Approval of Financials

June and July financials approved by all except Janet Longest via email

â—‹ Janet does not understand the process that PSG submits receipts or invoices. 

Executive Board Meeting:

Nothing to report

Architectural Committee

Nothing to report

Social Committee:

Nothing to report

Resident comments: 

None in attendance

Old Business (review of July Minutes)

• Painting – Richie did not submit documents. The board decided to go with Outback due to time restraints.

• No Soliciting signs are being ordered for each entrance of WL Community. 

      Brandon said they were ordered but have not come in yet.

• Covenants and Bylaws 

      â—‹ It will be approximately $6,000 to rewrite, the attorney suggested we decide what we would    like to change instead of completely rewriting. 

• Light at front entrance replaced, weeds pulled and mulch added 

• Mosquito issue – Larry will check with the city to see if they are spraying/treating.

Unfinished business

Chimneys – last chimney replaced for the year was 277 Andrews E. 

Windows - Installation has started. PSG will contact each homeowner prior to starting. 

Painting – Voted to go with Outback for 2022 since we never received required documents on other quotes 

New business

• Next big-ticket item is driveways/concrete. 

• Brenda Burgeson, Ralph Moore and John Schwegman will need to write a bio to be considered for the board’s next term. John is undecided if he is going to run for a position for the next term.

• Janet Longest is writing the newsletter and will hand out to the homeowners instead of having PSG mail them.

• Janet Longest requested a board member along with a homeowner go through the financials each month when PSG submits them. 

Brandon Henton advised that if a Homeowner wanted to review financials, feel free to schedule a meeting at the PSG office. In order for a homeowner to view Association records, confidential information such as collections and homeowner balances would first have to be pulled from each file. The 1st hour is free of charge to obtain and sort records. Any additional time it takes to obtain records will be at the Homeowners expense.


• Next board meeting: September 14, 2022 3:30pm at PSG office 1309 Reeves Rd. Plainfield, IN 46168 

• Annual HOA meeting being held at Plainfield Library; October 26th at 6:00pm 

• Budget Review August 16, 2022 10:00am at PSG office 1309 Reeves Rd. Plainfield, IN 46168 

• Fall pitch in Scheduled for October 22nd starting at noon in the common area by the benches. 

Meeting adjourned at 5:16pm

Brenda Burgeson/Secretary 8/18/2022

Community Garage will take place on August 12-13 from 8-4.

Posted July 28th, 2022

July 13th, 2022, Board Meeting Minutes

Call to order

A meeting of White Lick HOA was held at PSG Office on July 13, 2022.


Attendees included Derry Shrock, Brenda Burgeson, Ralph Moore, Janet Longest by phone. PSG

Attendees: Larry Edwards

Members not in attendance

Members not in attendance included: John Schwegman

Approval of minutes

May minutes approved by email

June financials were not approved, Janet Longest needed more information


Chimney at 243 Andrews completed and inspected by the City of Plainfield

59 total chimneys completed, and three to four planned for 2022 if budget allows.

Next large project is driveways.

Unfinished business

Painting – Bids submitted

Richie – $18,850 – pending information on insurance and referrals (Janet Longest to contact)

Outback - $24,250 – same company used last year

Windows - Big units are in. Larry will contact homeowner to schedule install.

16 Single Windows

10 Doubles

8 Florida Rooms

Covenants and Bylaws – Larry will contact attorney for price on update

New business

No Soliciting signs being ordered for each entrance of WL Community

Ladies luncheon is now White Lick luncheon, everyone is welcome.

Light is out at front entrance – Larry will replace light.

Mosquito issue – Larry will check with the city to see if they are spraying/treating

Review of annual budget scheduled for August 16th

Board Member terms coming due are:

Brenda Burgeson (Secretary/Treasurer) –Oct/2022

Ralph Moore (Officer) -Oct/2022

John Schwegman (Officer)-Oct/2022

Derry Shrock -(Senior Officer/President) Oct/2023

Janet Longest (Officer)-Oct/2023


Next Meeting August 10, 2022 3:30pm at PSG office 1309 Reeves Rd. Plainfield, IN 46168

All are welcome, if you would like to speak at the next meeting, please submit a request to Brandon at the PSG office.

Budget Review August 16, 2022 10:00am at PSG office 1309 Reeves Rd. Plainfield, IN 46168

Meeting adjourned 4:55pm

Posted July 27th, 2022

June 8th, 2022, Board Meeting Minutes

Call to order

A meeting of White Lick HOA was held at PSG Office on June 8,2022 at 3:35pm


Attendees included Derry Shrock, Brenda Burgeson, Ralph Moore, Janet Longest by phone.

Members not in attendance

Members not in attendance included: John Schwegman

Approval of minutes

May minutes approved by email

June financials were not approved, Janet Longest needed more information


Janet Longest question resolved – no double billing on gutter install/repair

 206 Andrews (Graham) all work is complete

 Windows from Reese have arrived and will being installing when ground dries up.

 Blair Windows has a 3 month back log.

 Janet Longest will write next newsletter. Ex: Owner Responsibility for maintaining weed control

around perimeter, Owner responsibility for maintaining porch railings front and rear.

 Several owners like new lawn care company – Brightview

Unfinished business

Derry Shrock and PSG Mgt testified in court on April 18, 2022. Information from attorney kept in the file at PSG.

New business

Contracts – Derry Shrock and PSG met with three Chimney contractors; bids listed below

1. Shackleford $10,760.00

2. Bone Dry $21,989.18

3. Ely Stokes $15,589.

Motion by John Schwegman to approve Shackleford, Second by Derry Shrock, & Janet Longest.

Approved Shackelford Bid Passed.

Painting–Need more information for July Meeting.


Next Meeting July 13, 2022 at PSG office 1309 Reeves Rd. Plainfield, IN 46168 Meeting adjourned 4:30pm

Posted May 4, 2022

April 6, 2022, Board Meeting Minutes

White Lick Homeowners Association Board Meeting Minutes

April 6, 2022

Plainfield Public Library – McMillan A Room

Board members in attendance: Brenda Burgeson, Janet Longest, John Schwegman, Ralph Moore

Property Service Management Group staff in attendance: Brandon Henton, Larry Edwards

7 Homeowners in Attendance: Jim Hale, Robert Freeman, Jim O’Connor, Linda Morton, Danny Graham, Marsha Gentleman

The meeting was called to order @ 4:05 pm

Board Meeting:

Introduction of board members and PSG

  • 2022 Ballot Review
  • Garage Doors: Voted 18 to 23
  • What is the warranty, and does it cover the paint? Larry will check.
  • Entry Doors: Voted 19 to 22
  • No questions/comments
  • Windows: Voted 17 to 24
  • New windows being installed are vinyl except the three front windows, they are vinyl wrapped. We have $21,000 of windows ordered to be installed in 2022 by order of necessity. It was requested that we list the addresses being replaced. Windows have a 5-year warranty on the glass vacuum seal.
  • Rob Freeman - Why are there windows sitting in storage? PSG ran out of time to get all installed. We also have an odd number of windows in stock due to them being sold in a set. We will order additional large windows to go with the five smaller windows in stock. PSG did receive a shipment of new windows, but they were damaged and was refused. A new order was placed.
  • All back enclosures are not windows, does the HOA cover the screen? No, The HOA is responsible for the wood around the screen. The homeowner is responsible for the upkeep of the screen.
  • Linda Morton in attendance has rotting window seal and requested that someone look at her windows and let her know if she is on the schedule for 2022 repair.
  • Capital Preservation Assessment: Voted 24 to 18
  • No questions or comments
  • Chimneys
  • We have five scheduled for 2022. One is left over from 2021. It was requested that we only do two per year to free up some funds.
  • Painting
  • Outback has increased the rates. We will request new bids to complete the East side in 2022.
  • Bids
  • Why is PSG handling the bids? If PSG is not doing the work, they will request the bids on behalf of White Lick.
  • We feel PSG has the most experience across the board on construction and repairs and should be able to recommend which companies they feel would do the best job based off their experience.
  • It was requested the bids be given to the board unopened if by mail and if by email, it should be sent to the board by the responding company at the same time it is sent to PSG. All agreed this would be done for all new bids.
  • Mowing
  • New Mowing crew - Scheduled start week of April 11th, weekly day TBD.
  • Jim Hale would like to run for the board. This will require further discussion.
  • Danny Graham – has repairs from February of 2021 that was not completed. Shingles, gutter, brick by front door, wood rot around the windows on the east side, concrete crumbling in the driveway.
  • PSG addressed a portion of the issues but not all.
  • Brandon said he would see what is left to be completed and would get back with Danny.
  • It was requested that Danny forward the email to the board so we can follow up on it. (He dropped a copy off at Brenda Burgeson's house after the meeting)
  • I requested that PSG copy the board on all work orders.
  • Jim O’Connor - had three different copies of covenants. Brandon went through them and advised which ones to throw away. also let them know the correct copy is on the website.
  • Covenants need to be updated. Will discuss more at next meeting.
  • Security has become an issue with the rising crime in Plainfield. Two residents were followed home from Meijer and Walmart and approached outside their condo to assist carrying in their groceries. Both are safe and refused the help.
  • Several residents have also stated that someone is knocking on their door at all hours of the night. Janet suggested a neighborhood watch.

  • Financials: November, December, January financials were approved via email.

  • The meeting ended at 6:05 pm.
A white lick community news letter with a house and tree on it.
A white sheet of paper with a lot of text on it.
A white sheet of paper with a lot of text on it.

November 2021 Board Minutes


White Lick Homeowners Association Board Meeting Minutes

November 17, 2021

Property Services Group Office, 1309 Reeves Road, Plainfield

Board members in attendance:  Derry Shrock, John Schwegman, Janet Longest, Ralph

Moore, and Brenda Burgeson (via telephone)


Property Service Management Group staff in attendance:  Brandon Henton, Larry


No Homeowners in Attendance



The meeting was called to order @ 3:25 pm

October minutes were approved via e-mail.


Financial Report:

  • September Financials approved via email
  • October Financials are pending corrections, will review along with November financials.

Executive Board Meeting:

  • Nothing to report.

Architectural Committee:

  • Nothing to report.

Social Committee:

  • Nothing to report.

Resident Comments:

  • Nothing to report.

Old Business:

  • Janet Longest will verify a downspout was added to side of property and draining properly.
  • Discussed homeowner’s responses on ballot forms. This will be discussed at the board meeting in the spring. Homeowners should submit a request if they are interested in speaking at the meeting. A time limit will be set for each person to make sure each person has a chance to speak.

New Business:

  • Discussed one homeowner’s request and two homeowner's issues.
  • Raintree is our new snow removal company. Board members are responsible for contacting Larry at PSG to authorize removal for White Lick.
  • Homeowners are responsible for removing mats and newspapers from porch and walkways prior to snow being removed.
  • Driveways will not be plowed unless the driveway is clear of vehicles.
  • 4 Chimneys were completed in 2021. 59 have been replaced throughout the community.
  • John and Derry will meet with Brightview regarding additional questions for 2022 mowing plans.
  • PSG started replacing windows the first week of November, as of the time of the meeting a total of 5 windows were replaced.
  • Pending quote on windows planned for 2022.
  • PSG will start gutter cleaning by the end of November.
  • Discussed color of outside doors. With so many new homeowners we need to remind everyone this information can be found in the 2017 Architectural
  • Guidelines on the White Lick HOA / PSG website. A change request needs to be submitted prior to any changes.

The meeting ended at 5:03 pm.

The next in person board meeting will be April 20, 2022 at 3:30 PM location to be



October 2021 Board Minutes


White Lick Homeowners Association Board Meeting Minutes

October 20, 2021

Property Services Group Office, 1309 Reeves Road, Plainfield

Board members in attendance:  Derry Shrock, John Schwegman, Susan Chestnut,

Brenda Burgeson


Property Service Management Group staff in attendance:  Brandon Henton

No Homeowners in Attendance



The meeting was called to order @ 3:35 pm


Executive Board Meeting:

  • 2022 Ballot results
  • 2022 Budget – Approved by a vote of 26 yes to 18 no
  • Janet Longest elected to the board by a vote of 38 yes to 4 no's
  • More information on proposed changes to the covenants: We feel many of the homeowners were confused on this subject. The vote was for more information and discussion on the topics, not for the change to take place. The results are listed below.
  • Garage Doors: Voted 18 to 23
  • Entry Doors: Voted 19 to 22
  • Windows: Voted 17 to 24
  • Feedback: Voted 31 to 16
  • Capital Preservation Assessment: Voted 24 to 18
  • Ralph Moore appointed as a new board member
  • Many homeowners requested an in person meeting to discuss financial and
  • covenants.
  • Homeowners are always welcome and encouraged to attend the board meetings. We ask that if you would like to address the board to please submit a request and list what you would like to discuss so we can have information available if possible. You will be allotted 5 minutes to present your issues/concerns.
  • Brandon will set up meeting with two lawn care companies of our choice to come to the property and walk with Larry, Derry and John to get a more accurate quote.

The next meeting will be held November 17th at 3:30 pm at the PSG office on Reeves Road.

  • The meeting ended at 4:15 pm.

 Old Business:

  • Susan asked Larry if there was any progress or updates regarding the color variations on the roof shingles. Larry is still looking into that.
  • Susan gave PSG instructions to remove her & Georgi Bruner from the website Board of Directors directory. Was not discussed at this meeting.
  • John made note of the large number of weeds in the lawns and asked why treatment had not worked on them. Brandon was going to reach out to Classic Lawncare to inquire. Classic Lawncare said the dry conditions may have affected how the chemical worked.
  • Derry requested that PSG install the rest of the windows that have been purchased. He & Larry will meet up tomorrow (9/9) to walk around and assess the window condition and needs so more can be purchased for installation.
  • Derry also requested that PSG repair or replace the spotlight on the East side of the front entrance.
  • Brenda inquired about the park benches in the park. PSG was asked to sand those benches and repaint them. They need some attention! Benches were removed, repaired, and painted green. They have since been reinstalled. “They look great”

The meeting ended at 5:37 pm.

September 2021 Board Minutes


White Lick Homeowners Association Board Meeting Minutes

September 8th, 2021

Property Services Group Office, 1309 Reeves Road, Plainfield

Board members in attendance:  Derry Shrock, John Schwegman, Susan Chestnut, Brenda Burgeson & Paula Hale (via telephone)


Property Service Management Group staff in attendance:  Larry Edwards, Brandon Henton

No Homeowners in Attendance



The meeting was called to order @ 3:33 pm


July minutes were approved via e-mail.


Financial Report:

  • August Financials had not been turned into the board prior to the meeting. Therefore, the board will approve the August financials via email. Susan C. will email Susan K. tomorrow to inquire about the timeline for the board to receive the financials.

 Executive Board Meeting:

  • Nothing to report

Architectural Committee:

  • Nothing to report

Social Committee:

  • Nothing to report


Resident comments:

  • Wes Bennett described the landscape changes around his father’s unit & will submit an Architectural Request. Also replacing porch light.
  • He requested the fence at rear of property be removed. Consensus was PSG could remove it. This would allow mowers better access & cause the residents to have a cleaner back yard.
  • Wes Bennett has met with Shannon Shawn from Plainfield Department of Public Works about the drainage issue. They are working on a plan including the areas to the west that will be developed into housing & a need for drainage there. Larry Edwards will check with Plainfield.
  • Janet Longest expressed concern about her front gutters overflowing. Possible solution is to add another downspout adjacent to the existing down spout on unit 208 & 210. We will also need to check the back drainage to make sure it is not plugged. PSG will handle.


Old Business:

  • PSG removed the fence behind the units on the West side at the request of the residents. (200-218). However, the residents are not happy with the removal job. Derry reported that he had visited the area and spoke with the homeowners. He & John visited a 2 nd time as well. He presented the situation at the board meeting. Derry requested that PSG or the lawnmowers go back and weed eat the area and remove the brush. The board agreed that there should be no further funds spent on the area at this time as the city and a private developer are preparing to build a 170+ townhouse complex on the property directly behind the West side units. (This is not finalized and there is a public hearing regarding the planning in October). The board feels we should sit tight until the proposed complex is finalized and the town discloses what they are going to do regarding the new townhouses. We can address the issue at that time.
  • Derry has investigated the street drainage and is to meet with the city, the residents involved, et al, to figure out the drainage path and what could be done to resolve the issues. The board will see if the lawnmowers will mow the hill behind those units next year as part of the weekly upkeep.
  • Derry requested that PSG clear out the back drain at 208 as it appears to be clogged. He also requested that a 2 nd downspout be installed in the front of this unit to alleviate the gutter overflow.
  • Susan asked for an update on chimney installation. We have completed 3, with 2 more planned for this year, provided the supplies  labor are accessible.
  • The new board members were updated on continuing issues that face the board.
  • Due to Covid and the spread of the new Delta Variant and with recent illness in the neighborhood, Derry made the motion to NOT hold an in-person annual meeting this year. Susan seconded the motion, with Brenda 3rd . The motion to not hold the in-person annual meeting was passed unanimous. Information will be mailed out in early October.
  • Susan inquired about what needs to be in the next newsletter to be mailed in mid-late September.
  • The 2022 proposed budget was voted on by the board. John made a motion to pass the proposed budget and raise the monthly HOA dues by $15.00 per unit, per month. Paula seconded the motion, with Derry 3rd . Susan voted no & Brenda abstained. The motion passed.
  • Susan asked Larry if there was any progress or updates regarding the color variations on the roof shingles. Larry is still looking into that.


New Business:

  • Susan gave PSG instructions to remove her & Georgi Bruner from the website Board of Directors directory. She asked Brenda & Paula to get the proper contact information to Brandon so he can place that information on the website ASAP.
  • Susan asked that a request be made of the lawnmowers to address the weeds growing out into the sidewalk, especially next to Unit 270. (NOTE: Susan noted that the weed growth is in part due to the weekly decisions that the board made to not mow the complex during the very dry weather. It is a benefit that Classic Lawncare allows us to call them off from mowing each week and this is very much appreciated as it saves the HOA many dollars.)
  • John made note of the large number of weeds in the lawns and asked why treatment had not worked on them. Brandon was going to reach out to Classic Lawncare to inquire.
  • Derry requested that PSG install the rest of the windows that have been purchased. He & Larry will meet up tomorrow (9/9) to walk around and assess the window condition and needs so more can be purchased for installation.
  • Derry mentioned that it is also time for PSG to begin paying special attention to the windows on the West side in preparation for & ahead of painting next year.
  • Derry asked PSG to return to the new window installation at 217 to fill in holes and repaint the window.
  • Derry reported that Unit 200 had sent a message saying there were windows that wouldn’t shut, and bugs were getting into the house. Upon inspection by Derry & John they found all windows closed and sealed. They could not raise anyone at the door, so PSG is to respond to the resident.
  • The resident at 242 requested that the crabapple tree in the front yard be cut down due to the mess it leaves on the sidewalk. The board denied this request. The policy on trees is that they are not removed unless they are dead. Unfortunately, there are several crabapple trees in the neighborhood that were installed by the builder. If we paid to remove one for this reason, then we would have to remove them all.
  • The two trees that were removed earlier at 204 & in the park are now requiring further attention. Derry requested that the ground-up stump chips be removed and be replaced with dirt & grass seed. Derry also requested that PSG contact a cement contractor to remove & replace the front walk at 204. This sidewalk was lifted by the tree roots from the oversized tree that was planted by the builder.
  • Derry also requested that PSG repair or replace the spotlight on the East side of the front entrance.
  • Brenda inquired about the park benches in the park. PSG was asked to sand those benches and repaint them. They need some attention!


The meeting ended at 5:37 pm.

The next board meeting will be an Executive Session, so no residents are allowed to attend. This is due to the Covid issue & the fact that the board will be counting ballots, etc. from the annual meeting mailing responses The Executive meeting will be held on October 20, 2021, at 3:30 PM at the PSG office on Reeves Road.


Chestnut, Shrock & Schwegman via email on 9/10/21

Burgeson via email on 9/11/21

August 2021 Board Minutes


White Lick Homeowners Association Board Meeting Minutes

August 11, 2021

Property Services Group Office, 1309 Reeves Road, Plainfield

Board members in attendance:  Derry Shrock, John Schwegman, Paula Hale & Brenda Burgeson


Property Service Management Group staff in attendance:  Larry Edwards, Brandon Henton

Homeowners in Attendance: Wes Bennett (for Alfred Bennett) & Janet Longest



The meeting was called to order @ 3:30 pm


June (2nd Quarter) minutes were approved via e-mail.


Financial Report:

  • June financials were approved via email. (SC 7/22/21, JS & DS 7/28/21)
  • July financials were approved unanimously at the meeting.

 Executive Board Meeting:

  • The board met on July 28th.At that time, they appointed Brenda Burgeson & Paula Hale to the board.
  • They also prepared the proposed 2022 budget.

Architectural Committee:

  • Nothing to report

Social Committee:

  • Nothing to report


Resident comments:

  • Wes Bennett described the landscape changes around his father’s unit & will submit an Architectural Request. Also replacing porch light.
  • He requested the fence at rear of property be removed. Consensus was PSG could remove it. This would allow mowers better access & cause the residents to have a cleaner back yard.
  • Wes Bennett has met with Shannon Shawn from Plainfield Department of Public Works about the drainage issue. They are working on a plan including the areas to the west that will be developed into housing & a need for drainage there. Larry Edwards will check with Plainfield.
  • Janet Longest expressed concern about her front gutters overflowing. Possible solution is to add another downspout adjacent to the existing down spout on unit 208 & 210. We will also need to check the back drainage to make sure it is not plugged. PSG will handle.


Old Business:

  • Motion was mad by John Schwegman to accept the snow removal contract from Raintree. Brenda B. 2ndthe motion, all approved.
  • Raintree will remove snow from the driveways, front stoops and front sidewalk to stoop. PSG will clear the public sidewalk & mailbox stations after driveways are cleared.
  • A board member will be responsible to call Raintree & PSG when services are needed.


New Business:

  • Annual meeting was discussed. Due to Covid and the spread of the Delta Variant, is it a good idea to hold an in-person meeting in a confined space? At this time, the decision is to handle the meeting the same as the 2020 meeting, which was not to hold an in-person meeting. Final decision will be made at the Sept. meeting.
  • Window replacement to continue.
  • Painting completed in the center section.
  • Chimney replacement to continue.
  • PSG was given the approval to remove and replace the front sidewalk @ 204.
  • Front entrance light on east side to be replaced by PSG.


The meeting ended at 5:35 pm.

The next board meeting will be on Sept. 8, 2021, at 3:30 PM at the PSG office on Reeves Road.

WELCOME NEW BOARD MEMBERS: Brenda Burgeson & Paula Hale!


Schwegman, Shrock & Burgeson via email on 8/13/21

A white lick community news june 2021 banner with a house and trees.

Hello White Lick Residents! We hope that this newsletter finds you healthy & well. What a year and unprecedented times we have endured. Sadly, we lost several longtime residents. Our hearts and prayers go out to their family and friends. These individuals will be sorely missed in our community.

We have also welcomed many new residents to our community in the past year. This is exciting and we welcome you to our wonderful neighborhood!

We hope this newsletter will highlight some of the items your Board of Directors have been working on and to alert you of projects in the works.

We hope you have a wonderful summer!

Susan, Derry & John


Board Resignation

We are sad to report that on May 20th, Georgi Bruner submitted her resignation from the Board. Thank you, Georgi, for your service these past 19 months! If you would be interested in serving on the Board of Directors, please contact PSG by June 30thand the board will reach out to speak with you.

Paint Cycle

We have hired Outback Painting to begin the scheduled paint cycle. Painting should begin this month. Outback will be painting the trim& doors on the inner circle homes this summer (16 buildings). New garage doors will not be painted. The West side (13 buildings) will be painted next summer (2022), with the East side units (13 buildings) scheduled for summer 2023. Outback will be given contact information for each resident so they can bein contact with you prior to your home being painted.

Snow Removal

The board is currently seeking snow removal bids for the removal of snow from our community this fall and next year. If you know of a company that would like to submit a bid, please contact a board member or the PSG’s office by June 30th.


Window repair and replacement is a big priority for your board. We invested $40,000 in window replacements last year and plan to invest $20,000 this year. A board member and PSG representative survey the neighborhood yearly to identify those windows needing replaced and keep a running list. The worst windows in the complex are addressed first, and so on. Unfortunately, weather and other factors can cause the list to be constantly changing, therefore it is hard for us to tell you exactly when your window will be replaced even though it has been identified and is on the list. However, rest assured, these are being monitored throughout the year and every attempt is made to make the replacements & repairs in a timely fashion as finances allow.

Email Communication

The board would like to be able to contact residents via email if that is an option for you. Otherwise, we will continue to mail correspondence to those without email or those who do not wish to use an email account. If you would like communication via email in the future, please send your name, physical address, and email address to Brandon @ info@psgcondos.com.


Please place your trash at the curb (on the driveway please) no earlier than 5:00 p.m. the day before collection! Since Tuesday is our mowing day, it is helpful if you do not place your trash or recycling bin on the grass where the mowing crew is forced to move it to be able to mow the grass. Thank you for paying attention to this matter.


Please be a good pet owner and neighbor by always keeping your pet on a leashand by always picking up the animal’s waste.

Maintenance Reminders

Just a reminder that homeowners are responsible for the following:

• Weeds around the perimeter (3ft) of each unit should be cleared and removed.

• Shrubs not maintained by the HOA should be kept trimmed.

• Edging should be maintained (plastic-stone-brick).

• No vegetable plants are permitted in front yard landscaping. Within 3 ft. area in the back yard they are permitted, but maintenance and clean up are expected.

• Storm doors must be maintained.

• Black iron railing must be maintained: not allowed to rust.

• Reasonable and tasteful landscape decorations are permitted.

(If a homeowner is unable to maintain their property, they may contact PSG for a recommendation of someone to assist them).


A big thank you goes out to Debbie Blankenhorn (225) who organized the community garage sale held on June 4 & 5 coinciding with the Highway 40 Garage Sale. Judging from the traffic in the neighborhood, this turned out to be a successful event. Thank you, Debbie, for organizing the neighborhood event!

If you have questions or problems, please contact:

Property Management Group Contact info:



June 2021 Board Minutes


White Lick Homeowners Association Board Meeting Minutes

2nd Quarter

June 9, 2021

Property Services Group Office, 1309 Reeves Road, Plainfield

Board members in attendance:  Susan Chestnut, John Schwegman, Derry Shrock


Property Service Management Group staff in attendance:  Larry Edwards, Brandon Henton

No residents in attendance.



The meeting was called to order @ 3:36 pm


March (1st Quarter) minutes were approved via e-mail.


Financial Report:

  • March financials were approved via email: DS on 4/8/21, SC, GB & JS on 4/14/21
  • April financials were approved via email: SC, DS & GB on 5/28/21, JS on 5/29/21
  • May financials were approved unanimously at the meeting.

 Executive Board Meeting:

  • The board met in executive session on May 20thto discuss a prevailing resident issue. At this time, Georgi Bruner announced her resignation from the board.

Architectural Committee:

  • One resident submitted a request that was approved.

Social Committee:

  • Debbie Blankenhorn organized a neighborhood garage sale.


Resident comments:

  • Nothing to report.


Old Business:

  • Nothing to report.


New Business:

  • The board received 2 snow bids from new companies to remove snow for the remainder of 2021 & 2022. Those are under review with the possibility of more bids to come. New company will be voted on& contracted soon.
  • The board approved the installation of 2 new back doors for 2 residents.
  • The board also approved the removal of 2 large trees on White Lick property.
  • PSG reports that windowsill replacement & installation of the windows is going well, weather permitting.
  • Outback Painting should begin painting the 1sthome in mid-June. Subsequent homes on the inner circle will follow throughout the summer, after inspection of the 1sthome.
  • Bricks have now become available, and the 1stchimney replacement is underway.
  • The board discussed content of the summer newsletter, which will be mailed out soon.
  • The board discussed the annual meeting in October. Susan will check on a venue. Thena date and time will be chosen for the meeting.


The meeting ended at 4:15 pm.

The next board meeting will be on August 11, 2021, at 3:30 PM at the PSG office on Reeves Road. 


Chestnut via email 6/10/21

Schwegman via email 6/11/21

Shrock via email 6/13/21

March 2021 Board Minutes



White Lick Homeowners Association Board Meeting Minutes

1st Quarter

March 11, 2021

Property Services Group Office,

1309 Reeves Road, Plainfield

Board members in attendance:  Susan Chestnut, Georgi Bruner, John Schwegman, Derry Shrock via telephone


Property Service Management Group staff in attendance:  Larry Edwards, Brandon Henton

No residents in attendance.



The meeting was called to order @ 3:33 pm


November minutes were approved via e-mail.


Financial Report:

  • February's monthly financials were reviewed and unanimously approved.
  • November financials were approved unanimously via email:  SC, DS & GB on 12/12/20, JS on 12/16/20.
  • December financials were approved unanimously via email:  SC, DS & GB on 1/19/21, JS on 1/20/21.
  • January financials were approved unanimously via email:  SC, DS & GB on 2/18/21, JS on 2/19/21.


Architectural Committee:

  • The few architectural requests that were submitted in the 1st quarter were approved in a timely fashion at the time of their submission by the Architectural Review Committee.

Social Committee:

  • Nothing to report.


Resident comments:

  • Nothing to report.


Old Business:

  • The board reviewed, received progress reports & discussed seven residential issues.


New Business:

  • The board asked PSG to solicits now removal estimates so that a different company can be used in the future.
  • The board asked PSG to solicit paint bids on the inner circle for this coming summer.
  • PSG should be installing windows (that have already been purchased) in the coming year.
  • PSG will also be repairing or replacing bad windowsills this spring on the units in the inner circle in preparation for painting this summer.
  • Brandon informed the group that PSG’s website has been updated with an option to make a payment via credit card. There is a 3.5% fee associated with this process. This a new feature they are offering for customers who wish to pay their monthly dues using their credit card.
  • Larry informed the group that he has been in contact with the roofing company regarding the discolored shingles on many of White Lick’s roofs. 
  • The Board has decided to meet quarterly rather than monthly.  This worked well for the 1st quarter of the year. Therefore, the next board meeting will be on June 9, 2021, at 3:30 PM at the PSG office on Reeves Road.  If a meeting before that time becomes necessary, the group will meet


The meeting ended at 5:15 pm.


Chestnut, Bruner, Shrock & Schwegman via email: 03/2021

November 2020 Board Minutes



White Lick Homeowners Association Board Meeting Minutes

November 18, 2020

Property Services Group Office, 1309 Reeves Road, Plainfield

Board members in attendance:  Susan Chestnut, Georgi Bruner, John Schwegman, Derry Shrock via telephone


Property Service Management Group staff in attendance:  Larry Edwards, Brandon Henton

No residents in attendance.



The meeting was called to order @ 3:37 pm


October minutes were approved via e-mail.


Financial Report:

  • Monthly financials were reviewed and approved.


Architectural Committee:

  • Nothing to report.


Social Committee:

  • Nothing to report.


Resident comments:

  • Nothing to report.


Old Business:

  • The board got an update on the status of window replacements from Larry.  Derry requested that when PSG is done installing the windows that have been purchased, that PSG work on windowsill replacement in coordination with the summer paint schedule for the center units this summer.
  • The board inquired as to the status of the garage door replacement project.  Brandon will contact the installer and get back with the board.
  • Susan C. gave an update on chimney replacement costs for this year.


New Business:

  • Brandon reported that 39 White Lick residents submitted a ballot voting on the 2021 budget.  Of those 39 votes, 31 voted yes and 8 voted no.  The budget was passed for 2021.
  • The board discussed two resident issues.
  • The board discussed the winter meeting schedule.  The board will not meet in person until March, unless a situation arises that would require them to meet. The board will review financials and handle all incoming issues, etc. via email and over the telephone unless a situation dictates an in-person meeting. 


The meeting ended at 4:15 pm.


Chestnut, Bruner, Shrock & Schwegman via email: 11/19/20

October 2020 Board Minutes

White Lick Homeowners Association Board Meeting Minutes

October 14, 2020

Property Services Group Office, 1309 Reeves Road, Plainfield

Board members in attendance:  Derry Shrock, Susan Chestnut, Georgi Bruner, John Schwegman


Property Service Management Group staff in attendance:  Larry Edwards, Brandon Henton


No residents in attendance.



The meeting was called to order @ 3:37 pm


September minutes were approved via e-mail.


Financial Report:

  • Monthly financials were reviewed and approved.


Architectural Committee:

  • One resident submitted a request that will be forwarded to the Architectural Committee members.


Social Committee:

  • Nothing to report.


Resident comments:

  • Nothing to report.


Old Business:

  • The board discussed follow up on several past resident issues and requested PSG seek estimates to rectify one issue.
  • Susan C. gave an update on the prospect of changing the Association’s insurance.  An issue has arisen and the switch in on hold until further pricing information can be received.


New Business:

  • Susan C. inquired about decorating; upkeep & flowers planted at the entrance to White Lick.  The board will seek a volunteer(s) resident to address this area.
  • The board unanimously approved $7000 in windows be purchased for installation next year.
  • The board unanimously approved hiring Classic Lawncare for the 2021 lawncare season.
  • The board unanimously approved hiring PSG for the 2021 snow removal.


Project Status:

  • One chimney left to be completed this year. 
  • Three garage doors left to install this year.  At that time, all homeowners will have new garage doors.
  • PSG will continue installing windows that have been purchased for installation this year as weather permits.
  • PSG will continue repairing windowsills on the center units this year as weather allows in preparation for painting next summer.



The meeting ended at 4:59 pm.


The next monthly meeting will be held at 3:30 p.m. on Wednesday, November 18th at the Property Services Group office, 1309 Reeves Road, Plainfield. 




Chestnut, Shrock & Bruner via email: 10/16/20

Schwegman via email: 10/18/20

September 2020 Board Minutes

White Lick Homeowners Association Board Meeting Minutes

September 9, 2020

Property Services Group Office, 1309 Reeves Road, Plainfield

Board members in attendance:  Derry Shrock, Susan Chestnut, Georgi Bruner


Property Service Management Group staff in attendance:  Larry Edwards, Brandon Henton


No residents in attendance.



The meeting was called to order @ 3:36 pm


August minutes were approved via e-mail.


Financial Report:

  • Monthly financials were reviewed and approved.


Architectural Committee:

  • Georgi reported 3 resident requests were received and approved.
  • 1 continuing resident issue has been completed.


Social Committee:

  • Nothing to report.


Resident comments:

  • Nothing to report.


Old Business:

  • It was reported that the HOA attorney had responded to one resident issue.
  • Derry reported that True Quality Garage Doors was successful in placing the orders for the remaining garage doors.  The doors were ordered prior to the price increase.  Doors should be installed before the end of the year.


New Business:

  • The board approved another $10,000 toward the purchase of additional windows to be installed this year.
  • Susan C. presented a quote for HOA insurance.  The new policy would give the Association better coverage than in the past but save us $2231.00 per year.  The board voted to pursue coverage with the new company pending PSG reviewing the documentation.  The board asked to institute the new policy ASAP.


The meeting ended at 4:41 pm.


The next monthly meeting will be held at 3:30 p.m. on Wednesday, October 14th at the Property Services Group office, 1309 Reeves Road, Plainfield.  Weather permitting the meeting will be held outside on the rear patio.




Chestnut, Bruner & Shrock via email – 9/12/20

August 2020 Board Minutes

 White Lick Homeowners Association Board Meeting Minutes
August 12, 2020
Property Services Group Office, 1309 Reeves Road, Plainfield

Board members in attendance: John Schwegman, Derry Shrock, Susan Chestnut, Georgi Bruner via telephone

Property Service Management Group staff in attendance: Larry Edwards, Brandon Henton

No residents in attendance.

The meeting was called to order @ 3:35 pm

July minutes were approved via e-mail.

Financial Report:
•   Monthly financials were reviewed and approved.

Architectural Committee:
•   The board instructed PSG to contact two residents regarding covenant violations.

Social Committee:
•   Nothing to report.

Resident comments:
•   Nothing to report.

Old Business:
•   Larry updated that he has been installing the windows ordered in May. That process is going smoothly thus far.
•   Continuing the conversation, the need for windows was discussed. The board is working on determining the financial situation of the HOA so that it can address the many windows needed by our residents. The board will meet in separate session and get a list together of the windows in the worst repair so that we can proceed to order, replace & repair these windows. The list will be provided to Larry & Brandon so they will know what homes are on the list for this year. Hopefully, the board can prepare a plan for next year’s window replacements as well.
•   Three chimneys have been rebuilt to-date with two more scheduled before the end of the year.
•   The board approved the purchase & replacement all of rest of the garage doors this year. An upcoming price increase from the manufacturer will not be cost effective. All doors should be ordered prior to the increase and installed as soon as possible.
New Business:
•   The board met in executive session to discuss and prepare the 2021 budget.
•   Preparation for the annual meeting and its associated mailings were discussed and scheduled with the residents receiving a newsletter in early September.

The meeting ended at 4:51 pm.
The next monthly meeting will be held at 3:30 p.m. on Wednesday, September 9th at the Property Services Group office, 1309 Reeves Road, Plainfield. Weather permitting the meeting will be held outside on the rear patio.

Chestnut & Bruner via email 8/16/20
Shrock & Schwegman via email 8/17/20

July 2020 Board Minutes

White Lick Homeowners Association Board Meeting Minutes

July 8, 2020

Property Services Group Office, 1309 Reeves Road, Plainfield

Board members in attendance:  John Schwegman, Georgi Bruner, Derry Shrock, Susan Chestnut

Property Service Management Group staff in attendance:  Larry Edwards, Brandon Henton

No residents in attendance.


The meeting was called to order @ 3:32 pm

June minutes were approved via e-mail.

Financial Report:

  • Monthly financials were reviewed and approved.

Architectural Committee:

  • The resident at 216 requested a meeting with an Architectural Committee member to review their plans to update the landscape around their home, to insure it met with covenant guidelines.  Plan for changes was in line with covenants.
  • Florida room build at 232 is almost complete.

Social Committee:

  • Nothing to report.

Resident comments:

  • Nothing to report.

Old Business:

  • Derry gave an update from his and Larry Edwards walk around on June 19th:
  • There are many windows in need of repair or replacement.  They felt that the most pressing were the Florida room windows that are 5-wide as a couple are contributing to rotting of the wood siding. 
  • We have replaced 2 chimneys to date (234 & 242) with 3 (260, 264, 285) more schedule for this year.  They felt that currently 4 more need replaced next year, however, that number could change by next spring due to deteriorate over the year.
  • We have replaced 10 garage doors this year.  They felt 4 more needed replaced this year.  That would leave 11 to be done next year. 

New Business:

  • Residents in violation were discussed and the board approved contact be made with 3 residents regarding compliance.
  • The board responded to one resident requesting the HOA replace the walkway to the front steps.  This is not covered by the HOA and the resident will need to replace or repair the issue themselves. 
  • Two tenants have requested bad trees be removed.  There are 2 other trees in the neighborhood in bad shape.  The board approved getting an estimate on removing all 4 from Roy Wolf.
  • The board noted other needed repairs around the neighborhood and asked Brandon to schedule repairs.
  • The board authorized Classic Lawncare to mow every other week until further notice.  Mowing will resume weekly once we get rain and the grass begins to grow again.
  • Susan C. is researching HOA insurance to see if we can get a better rate than what we are currently paying
  • The board members will meet in executive session prior to the August monthly meeting to:
  • begin laying out the 2021 budget
  • Review funding and create a plan to replace the necessary windows in a timely fashion.
  • review the budget to replace the necessary garage doors this year.
  • begin preparation for the October Annual Meeting.
  • further discuss the other issues at hand: raising monthly dues, the capitol preservation assessment & updating the covenants.

The meeting ended at 5:08 pm.

The next monthly meeting will be held at 3:30 p.m. on Wednesday, August 12th at the Property Services Group office, 1309 Reeves Road, Plainfield.  Weather permitting the meeting will be held outside on the rear patio.


Chestnut & Shrock via email 7/17/20

Bruner via email 7/18/20

Schwegman via email 7/19/20

June 2020 Board Minutes

White Lick Homeowners Association Board Meeting Minutes

June 10, 2020

Property Services Group Office, 1309 Reeves Road, Plainfield

NOTE:  Due to the Coronavirus and the quarantine order, the last physical meeting of the board was March 10, 2020.  During the timeframe when they could not physically meet, the board addressed issues via email and telephone.  Due to the long timeframe between meetings, the June 10th meeting was held as an Executive Meeting so that all items could be addressed and discussed. 

The board addressed the following during the quarantine:

April 6, 2020

  • Authorized PSG to order $10515.50 (13) wooden windows from Blair Windows per estimate.
  • Requested a follow-up with Outback painting for references.
  • Instructed PSG to move forward with issues at two units.
  • April 16, 2020
  • Approved PSG to repair rotted windowsills, rotten wood on Florida Room, etc. at the units on the inner circle in preparation for painting.
  • Approved resident issues at 4 units.
  • One resident requested a meeting with the board.  On June 2nd, the board met with that resident to hear their concerns & request.  The board unanimously denied the residents request.

The Board addressed 14 total resident issues during the quarantine period.

May issues are addressed below.


Board members in attendance:  John Schwegman, Georgi Bruner, Derry Shrock, Susan Chestnut

Property Service Management Group staff in attendance:  Larry Edwards, Brandon Henton

The meeting was called to order @ 3:36 pm

March minutes were approved via e-mail.

Financial Report:

  • Monthly financials were reviewed and discussed.
  • The board requested that PSG replace funds ASAP from a double billing error.
  • The board expressed that going forward, PSG should make sure all out-of-the-ordinary invoices are approved by the board prior to payment.
  • With these two stipulations noted (Brandon was to inform Susan K. since she was not in attendance), the financials were approved unanimously by the Board.

Architectural Committee:

  • Georgi reported that seven architectural change requests were approved during the quarantine.  Three architectural change requests were denied.

Social Committee:

  • Nothing to report.

Resident comments:

  • Nothing to report.

Old Business:

  • Paint estimates were again reviewed and discussed.  The board voted to postpone the actual painting of the inner circle units until next year.  The board would like to take those funds and apply them to more window replacements this year.  Several residents need window repairs and/or replacements. 
  • The board would also like to take some funds to replace more garage doors in need (we have replaced 8 so far in 2020). 
  • The board plans to rebuild 5 chimneys in 2020 but may have to replace more if it is determined that more chimneys are in desperate need of replacement. 

New Business:

  • The windows that were authorized for purchase have arrived and PSG will be being placing those windows in their designated residences as soon as possible.
  • Larry E. & Derry are to go around the neighborhood and assess the condition of windows, garage doors & chimneys.  They will present their findings at the next meeting.  The board will review the needs of the residents and attempt to rework the funds available so these areas can be rectified.
  • The board will begin discussions about the possibility of raising the monthly HOA dues next year. This is currently only being discussed and no decision has been made.
  • The board is reviewing the possibility of presenting to the residents at the October Annual meeting the possibility of instituting a Capital Preservation Assessment for future White Lick homebuyers.  This would not affect current homeowners and would only apply to people purchasing in the neighborhood in the future. 
  • The board is also looking at implementing very specific guidelines regarding what is and is not allowed in our neighborhood.  Again, this is merely being discussed at this time.
  • Larry E. announced that Susan K. will no longer be attending the monthly meetings.  Brandon Henton will be attending our meetings going forward.  Though Susan is still working for PSG, she is scaling back a bit and will no longer maintain a workspace in the local office.

The meeting ended at 5:20 pm.

The next monthly meeting will be held at 3:30 p.m. on Wednesday, July 8th at the Property Services Group office, 1309 Reeves Road, Plainfield.  Weather permitting the meeting will be held outside on the rear patio.


Chestnut & Shrock via email on 6/14/20

Schwegman & Bruner via email on 6/15/20

March 2020 Board Minutes

White Lick Home Owners Association Board Meeting Minutes

March 11, 2020

Property Services Group Office, 1309 Reeves Road, Plainfield

Board members in attendance:  John Schwegman, Georgi Bruner, Derry Shrock (via telephone), Susan Chestnut (via telephone)

Property Service Management Group staff in attendance:  Larry Edwards, Susan Keene

One resident in attendance.

The meeting began @ 4:33 pm

February minutes were approved via e-mail.

Financial Report:

  • Susan K. reviewed the monthly financials.
  • Financials were approved unanimously by the Board.

Architectural Committee:

  • Nothing to report.

Social Committee:

  • Nothing to report.

Resident comments:

  • Nothing to report.

Old Business:

  • The Board asked questions regarding Classic Lawncare’s estimate for leaf removal in the fall.  The Board accepted the leaf estimate.
  • The Board discussed window replacements & the estimate from Blair Windows.  Further window discussion and determining what will be purchased will follow next month.
  • Paint estimates were received from two companies.  More estimates were requested.  This item was tabled until the next meeting when more information is available.
  • The board discussed several resident issues and resolution/follow-up to those issues.

New Business:

  • Larry Edwards reported he submitted the building permits for the chimneys scheduled to be replaced this year.

The meeting ended at 5:41 pm.

The next monthly meeting will be held at 4:30 p.m. on Wednesday, April 8th at the Property Services Group office, 1309 Reeves Road, Plainfield.

February 2020 Board Minutes

White Lick Home Owners Association Board Meeting Minutes

February 12, 2020

Property Services Group Office, 1309 Reeves Road, Plainfield

Board members in attendance:  Susan Chestnut, John Schwegman, Georgi Bruner & Derry Shrock (via telephone)

Property Service Management Group staff in attendance:  Larry Edwards

No residents in attendance.

(NOTE:  The board did not meet in December or January)

The meeting began @ 6:02 pm

November minutes were approved via e-mail.

Financial Report:

  • November, December & January financials were approved.
  • Susan C. noted there are two pending issues that need to be resolved:
  • Charge billed to resident
  • Credit given back to HOA from PSG

Architectural Committee:

  • The board addressed the recurring issue of Architectural Change Request Forms being submitted to PSG incomplete.  PSG will monitor the process and ask for more or correct information before passing along to the Chair of the Architectural Review Committee.  If the Architectural Review Committee Chair receives an incomplete request, it will be denied and returned to the homeowner asking for the appropriate information to be included so an informed decision can be made.

Social Committee:

  • Nothing to report.

Resident comments:

  • There were no residents in attendance.

Old Business:

  • Larry reported he had received several calls from residents about windows needing to be replaced.  The board had received an estimate on wooden replacement windows in the fall and asked that an estimate be submitted on vinyl windows.  The board asked Larry to again contact the window company to get an estimate on vinyl windows.  Once that is received, the board will approve the purchase of windows so we can begin replacing some resident’s windows.
  • The board discussed several resident issues and resolution/follow-up to those issues.

New Business:

  • It was officially announced that Diana Laybold had resigned her position on the board.  The board would like to proceed with four members at this time.
  • Larry passed out a copy of the updated directory.
  • Larry passed along the new Nationwise Insurance breakdown.  The cost of the policy has increased $900.
  • Larry presented the board with a new PSG contract, at the board’s request.  Susan C. requested that the board have one month to review and visit again at the March meeting.
  • A newsletter is being drafted by the Board and should be sent to residents in the near future.
  • The board requested that PSG begin the process of attaining paint quotes.  The inside circle of homes is due to be painted this summer. 
  • John S. had received a call from a resident who was having issues with their garage door.  The board approved the replacement of that resident’s door & the attached unit as well.  Two garage doors were replaced in February as well for having the same issue.
  • The board requested that PSG contact Classic Lawncare to get a bid for leaf removal.  The objective being that the leaves will be mulched as they were last fall.  This seems to be a good process leaving minimal leaves in the yard to blow over the winter.
  • The board requested that PSG change the process by which the bills are paid and approved. 
  • John S. (along with Diana Laybold in some cases) has visited 3 of the 6 new residents in the community.  They will visit the other 3 in the near future.

The meeting ended at 7:43 pm.

The next monthly meeting will be held at 4:30 p.m. on Wednesday, March 11th at the Property Services Group office, 1309 Reeves Road, Plainfield.


Chestnut & Shrock via email: 2/18

Bruner via email: 2/19

Schwegman via email: 2/22

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