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Posted March 29, 2024
Posted December 1, 2023
Posted December 1, 2023
Posted September 1, 2023
Location: 1309 Reeves Rd
Plainfield, IN
Meeting Facilitator: Greg Ebert
Secretary: Mike Carrigan
Date: August 22, 2023
Time: 6:00 PM
Ralph Culver, Mike Lowden, John Copas, Brandon Hinton, and Larry Edwards
The minutes for the previous meeting were reviewed and approved.
Report #1: Monthly Finance Report
Details: Financial Report was reviewed and approved.
Item #1: Gutters
Details: Brandon was asked to contact Field’s Gutters to see when they would complete the gutter
Response: Brandon stated there were two units left to complete.
Item #2: Lawn Maintenance
Details: Brandon was asked to obtain bids for new lawn maintenance service. It is understood the cost of lawn care will increase so that we receive the type of service the homeowners want.
Response: Brandon has received multiple bids.
Item#3: Insurance Premium Increase
Details: Greg asked Brandon to contact the insurance company to gain any insight to an increase in
premiums. This information will be needed for 2024 budget proposal.
Response: The Brelage Insurance Agency has advised that we should expect a 20% to 25% increase in premiums.
Item #1: 2024 Budget Proposal
Details: Brandon was asked to have a hard copy of budget estimates for 2024 ready for the next Board Meeting.
Item #1: Meeting Schedule
Details: The 2023 Homeowners Annual Meeting is scheduled for 7:00 PM on Oct 24th. Board Member meeting will be at 6:00 PM on Sep 26th.
The meeting ended at 7:17 PM.
Posted August 1, 2023
Location: 1309 Reeves Rd
Plainfield, IN
Meeting Facilitator: Greg Ebert
Secretary: Mike Carrigan
Date: July 35, 2023
Time: 6:00 PM
Ralph Culver, Mike Lowden, Brandon Hinton, and Larry Edwards
The minutes for the previous meeting were reviewed and approved.
Report #1: Monthly Finance Report
Details: Financial Report was reviewed and approved.
Item #1: Gutters
Details: Brandon was asked to contact Field’s Gutters to see when they could start and complete the gutter project.
Response: Brandon contacted Field’s Gutters and was told they would begin in August or September.
Item #2: Lawn Maintenance
Details: Brandon was asked to obtain bids for new lawn maintenance service. It is understood the cost of lawn care will increase so that we receive the type of service the homeowners want.
Response: Brandon has reached out to several companies to submit bids and should be receiving those bids soon.
Item #1: Lawn Maintenance
Details: Brandon was asked to contact Rob at Classic Lawncare and advise him not to continue with lawn applications but to continue with mowing schedule.
Item #2: We have received notice of a $300 per month increase from Waste Management. Greg asked Brandon to contact the insurance company to gain any insight to an increase in premiums. This information will be needed for 2024 budget proposal.
Item #1: Meeting Schedule
Details: The 2023 Homeowners Annual Meeting is scheduled for 7:00 PM on Oct 24th. Board Member meetings will be at 6:00 PM on Aug 22nd and Sep 26th.
The meeting ended at 7:00 PM.
Posted June 8, 2023
Location: 1309 Reeves Rd
Plainfield, IN
Meeting Facilitator: Greg Ebert
Secretary: Mike Carrigan
Date: May 23, 2023
Time: 6:00 PM
John Copas, Brandon Hinton, and Larry Edwards Andy Weathers (Guest)
The minutes for the previous meeting were reviewed and approved.
Report #1: Monthly Finance Report
Details: Financial Report was reviewed and approved.
Item #1: Gutters
Details: Brandon was asked to contact Field’s Gutters to see if they would honor the previous year’s pricing on completing the gutter project. Response: Brandon contacted Field’s Gutters and was told that due to inflation the price to complete the project had increased from $18,000 to $25,000.
Item #2: Certificate of Deposit
Details: Brandon would see about moving available funds into certificates of deposit to take advantage of the higher interest rates. Response: $100,000 was placed in a 13-month CD at 4.75%. John Copas will be assuming duties as Treasurer.
Item #3: Paving of Roads
Details: Brandon will contact the City of Avon to have our roads paved.
Response: On 4/13/2023 submitted a request to the town of Avon. Steve at Public Works responded “Thank you for your taking the time to submit your concern to the Town of Avon. Your request has been acknowledged and Town staff will be addressing the concern raised in your submittal. This area is scheduled for skip patching...basically large areas surface milled and new asphalt installed. We are in our contractor's hopefully soon!”
Item #1: Lawn Maintenance
Details: Brandon was asked to obtain bids for new lawn maintenance service. It is understood the cost of lawn care will increase so that we receive the type of service the homeowners want.
Item #1: Meeting Schedule
Details: The 2023 Homeowners Annual Meeting is scheduled for 7:00 PM on Oct 24th. Board Member meetings will be on July 25th, Aug 22nd, and Sep 26th.
Item #2: It was felt that since Waste Management is half the costs of other trash services we should wait before taking any further action. Hopefully, WM will recover from their awkward startup.
Item #3: Brandon and Larry brought up several items on how inflation is impacting HOA costs.
The meeting ended at 7:07 PM.
Posted April 14 2023
Location: 1309 Reeves Rd
Plainfield, IN
Meeting Facilitator: Greg Ebert
Secretary: Mike Carrigan
Date: March 28, 2023
Time: 6:00 PM
Mike Lowden, Ralph Culver, John Copas, Brandon Hinton, and Larry Edwards
The minutes for the previous meeting were reviewed and approved.
Report #1: Monthly Finance Report
Details: Financial Report was reviewed and approved.
No Old Business
Item #1: Gutters
Details: Brandon was asked to contact Field’s Gutters to see if they would honor the previous years
pricing on completing the gutter project.
Item #2: Certificate of Deposit
Details: Brandon would see about moving available funds into certificates of deposit to take advantage
of the higher interest rates.
Item #3: Paving of Roads
Details: Brandon will contact the City of Avon in an effort to have our roads paved.
Item #1: Meeting Schedule
Details: The 2023 Homeowners Annual Meeting is scheduled for 7:00 PM on Oct 24th.
Item #2: Mike Lowden advised the flowers at the front entrance would not be replaced until the
construction was completed.
Item #3: Brandon stated that Waste Management would eventually replace our current trash totes but as yet there has been no communication with Waste Management as to when that will happen.
The meeting ended at 7:04 PM.
Posted February 13 2023
October 2022 Annual HOA Minutes
WOW AnnualMeeting
Time: 7:09PM
Call to Order- Members present include Greg Ebert, Ralph Culver, Mike Carrigan, Mike Lowden, John Copas and Larry Edwards.
2021 Meeting
Minutes from the 2021 annual meeting were read and approved.
Financial Report
Larry Edwards went through the 2023 budget line by line.
Meeting was adjourned at 8:00PM.
After the annual meeting the Board Members met and made the following appointments:
Greg Ebert – President
Ralph Culver – Vice President
Mike Carrigan – Secretary
Mike Lowden – Treasurer
John Copas – Member-At-Large
Posted October 4 2022
Location: 1309 Reeves Rd
Plainfield, IN
Meeting Facilitator: Greg Ebert
Secretary: Mike Carrigan
Date: September 27, 2022
Time: 6:00 PM
Mike Lowden, Ralph Culver, John Copas, and Larry Edwards
The minutes for the previous meeting were reviewed and approved.
Report #1: Monthly Finance Report
Details: Financial Report was reviewed and approved.
Item #1: Touch up of Bricks
Details: Several homeowners have made it known that some bricks have chipped and require touch up with paint. Homeowners have been asked to contact Property Services if they need touch up. Greg asked how many have requested this service. Larry stated he did not know.
Item #1: Sign
Details: Sign is being made to remind homeowners of the Annual Meeting on October 25. The sign will be placed at front entrance.
Item #1: Meeting Schedule
Details: There will be two meetings of the Homeowners Association on October 25th . One at 6:00 PM and another at 7:00 PM.
The meeting ended at 6:50 PM.
Posted August 25 2022
Location: 1309 Reeves Rd
Plainfield, IN
Meeting Facilitator: Greg Ebert
Secretary: Mike Carrigan
Date: August 23, 2022
Time: 6:00 PM
Mike Lowden, Ralph Culver, John Copas, Brandon Henton and Larry Edwards
The minutes for the previous meeting were reviewed and approved.
Report #1: Monthly Finance Report
Details: Financial Report was reviewed and approved.
Item #1: Trim overgrown bushes
Details: Trim overgrown bushes at 8156 Burnett Blvd. Homeowner failed to maintain lawn and now is in the process of selling the home. Project completed.
Item #2: Preparations for Construction
Details: Discussed steps to be taken to meet the timeline set of the Town of Avon for the new road construction. Project completed.
Item #1: Discussed 2023 Budget
Details: Due to the construction on Dan Jones there are several categories that will only require partial funding or no funding at all during fiscal year 2023. These categories would include irrigation, front flower beds, electric and water. Those funds then could be moved as needed to other areas such as snow removal and reserve.
Item #1: Inflation Impact
Details: Discussed the rising cost of labor and materials needed to maintain the homes and common areas of Westover Woods.
Item #2: Meeting Schedule
Details: Board Meeting Sep 27th to work on budget. Annual Homeowners Association meeting on Oct 25th.
The meeting ended at 7:15 PM.
Posted August 3rd 2022
Location: 1309 Reeves Rd
Plainfield, IN
Meeting Facilitator: Greg Ebert
Secretary: Mike Carrigan
Date: July 26, 2022
Time: 6:00 PM
Mike Lowden, Ralph Culver, John Copas and Larry Edwards
The minutes for the previous meeting were reviewed and approved.
Report #1: Monthly Finance Report
Details: Financial Report was reviewed and approved.
Item #1: Trim overgrown bushes
Details: Trim overgrown bushes at 8156 Burnett Blvd. Homeowner has failed to maintain lawn and now is in the process of selling the home.
Item #1: Preparations for Construction
Details: Discussed steps to be taken to meet the timeline set of the Town of Avon for the new road construction.
Item #1: Inflation Impact
Details: Discussed the rising cost of labor and materials needed to maintain the homes and common areas of Westover Woods.
Item #2: Meeting Schedule
Details: Board Meetings on Aug 23rd and Sep 27th to work on budget. Annual Homeowners Association meeting on Oct 25th.
The meeting ended at 7:17 PM.
Posted May 24, 2022
Call to Order - Members present include Greg Ebert, Ralph Culver, Mike Carrigan, Mike Lowden and Larry Edwards.
Old Business
Financial report was discussed and approved.
New Business
A banner for the garage sale on the 3rd and 4th will be picked up and placed at the entrance of the subdivision.
Other Items
Meeting was adjourned at 7:05 PM. The next board meeting will occur on 7/26/2022 at 1309 Reeves Rd in Plainfield.
Posted April 18, 2022
Call to Order - Members present include Greg Ebert, Ralph Culver, Mike Carrigan, Mike Lowden, John Copas and Larry Edwards.
Old Business
With the cost of materials and labor rising monthly it was decided we could save money by completing the gutter project this year. Larry said he would talk to contractor.
With the upcoming construction on Dan Jones Rd, it was decided not to add new mulch to the front entrance. Mike Lowden was to contact Natures Choice to see if the large rock at the front entrance could be traded for services or supplies.
New Business
Eads Murray & Pugh services will be continued through 2022.
A garage sale will be held on June 3rd and 4th. Larry will see if a permit is necessary for sign placement.
Other Items
Meeting was adjourned at 6:40 PM. The next board meeting will occur on 5/24/2022 at 1309 Reeves Rd in Plainfield.
Posted January 26, 2022
Call to Order - Members present include Greg Ebert, Ralph Culver, Mike Carrigan, Mike Lowden, John
Copas and Larry Edwards.
Financial Report
Larry Edwards went through the 2022 budget line by line. The 2022 budget was approved.
Open Forum
Several Homeowners voiced concerns over snow removal. Greg Ebert explained that Larry Edwards was given the authority to contact Rob immediately when snowfall reached three inches without having to contact a board member. Rob (Classic Lawn Care) stated he was reducing the number of snow removal contracts to better serve Westover Woods.
Other Items
Meeting was adjourned at 8:20 PM.
After the annual meeting the Board Members met and made the following appointments:
Greg Ebert – President
Ralph Culver – Vice President
Mike Carrigan – Secretary
Mike Lowden – Treasurer
John Copas – Member-At-Large
Posted September 2, 2021
Call to Order-Members present include Greg Ebert, Ralph Culver, Mike Carrigan, Mike Lowden, John Copas and Larry Edwards.
Financial Report
Financial Report was reviewed and approved.
Old Business
Larry stated the irrigation system had been repaired and was fully operational. It was determined that it was unnecessary to lock the irrigation controller box. Still no response from the Avon Town Council attorney.
New Business
Greg advised the annual meeting would be on Oct 26th at the Washington Township Park. Larry advised that Property Services would be increasing the hourly fee to $10.00.
Other Items
Meeting was adjourned at 8:00PM. The next board meeting will occur on 9/21/21 at 1309 Reeves Rd in Plainfield.
Posted July 6, 2021
Call to Order - Members present include Greg Ebert, Ralph Culver, Mike Carrigan, Mike Lowden, John Copas and Larry Edwards.
Financial Report
Financial Report was reviewed and approved.
Old Business
Our attorney stated that to date, there has been no formal response from the Avon Town Council attorney concerning the walking path or gate. The Avon Town Council did indicate they were not willing to permit a gate. With the current zoning ordinances and the fact, the roadway is publicly owned there is little hope of success in pursuing the installation of a gate. The Town Council did suggest speed bumps or a more visible police presence might be a consideration. The HOA attorney has contacted us and related the following “the Avon Traffic Calming program is apparently being rewritten and is about to go to the town council for approval. It will likely be passed in July or August. When that happens, we must reapply under the new program.” Our attorney went on to say “At this juncture, all we can really do is wait until the town’s revised traffic calming program is approved and put into effect (likely July or August).”
New Business
Larry stated the irrigation system was not working. The cover on the irrigation controller had been left open and recent rainfall had flooded the box destroying the circuit board. Larry advised it would cost approximately $165.00 and two-hours labor to replace. It was recommended the irrigation controller be secured with a lock to prevent such occurrences.
Other Items
Meeting was adjourned at 8:05PM. The next board meeting will occur on 8/24/21 at 1309 Reeves Rd in Plainfield.
Time: 7:00 pm
Call to Order - Members present include Greg Ebert, Mike Carrigan, Mike Lowden and Larry Edwards. Rob from Classic Lawn Care also attended.
Financial Report
Financial Report was reviewed and approved.
Old Business
Our attorney has been in contact with the Avon town council, town manager, and the town attorney. The town council has asked the town attorney to formally respond. We are waiting for the letter to determine appropriate action concerning the walking path and the gate.
Larry checked 705 Westover Rd and three other properties where the coating was chipping off the fascia and eves. After removing the plastic coating, it required two coats of paint to repair. Larry advised that in the future it would be more cost effective to replace the sheet metal. Gutter replacement for the year 2021 has been completed. Aeration and seeding has been completed.
New Business
Rob stated he was reducing the number of snow removal contracts to better serve Westover Woods. Larry stated that during snowfall it was first come first served. It would be critical for the HOA to request snow removal as soon as possible so as not to be given a lower priority. Larry was given the authority to contact Rob immediately when snowfall reached three inches without having to contact a board member.
Other Items
Meeting was adjourned at 8:23 PM.
Time: 7:00 pm
Call to Order - Members present include Greg Ebert, Mike Carrigan, Andy Weathers, John Copas, Mike Lowden, and Larry Edwards
Financial Report
Financial Report was reviewed and approved.
Old Business
Aeration and seeding will begin in the early Spring for the entire neighborhood. Those homeowners who wish to opt out may do so. Gutter replacement will begin in the vicinity of Burnett Blvd and Overbrooke Ln. Twenty percent of the gutters will replaced each year until the project is completed. To date, there has been no response from Ryan Cannon (Avon Town Manager) concerning the gate and/or walking path. Our attorney will send each member of the Avon Town Council copies of the correspondence originally sent to Ryan Cannon and advise them of Ryan Cannon failure to respond.
New Business
Discussion concerning snow removal during the recent snowstorm. Rob’s failure to respond and complete job satisfactorily caused undue hardships for our residents. Rob will attend next board meeting to convince Board these problems will not be repeated.
Other Items
John Bailey and Andy Weathers tendered their resignations.
Meeting was adjourned at 7:50 PM.
Time: 7:00 pm
Call to Order – Members present include Mike, John, Andy, Greg and Larry from Property Management.
Financial Report
Reviewed- Move to Approve Mike, Second Greg
President’s Report –
Old business
All satellites have been removed, new signs are installed, boat and camper have been removed. Motion to approve by Andy, seconded by Mike.
New Business
Adjournment – Motion to adjourn by Mike, seconded by Greg 8:10pm
Time: 7:00 pm
Meeting called to order by President Greg Ebert
Attendance : john copas absent
Approval of Minute
Minutes of previous meeting were read and approved.
Financial Report
Bills and financial statements were approved
Old business
New signs have been ordered.. Lawyer discussed security gate and path... John Hall checking water leak... sprinkler system coming along
New Business
Purchase control panel for sprinkler system, motioned and approved... Lights for under trees, motioned and approved... Cutting and trimming trees on mound and plant some grass, motioned and approved....Wash siding on house at the entrance,...
Current Topics
Susan retired and Brandon will take over.. Dishes on the roofs.. check to see who is responsible for driveway aprons....rules to change on convenience..... must own 5 yrs. Before allowed to rent...
Adjournment: 8:30..... next meeting at John Copas... June 23
Board meeting held on 2/25/20 at Greg Ebert’s home.
Subjects discussed.
Thanks, Greg Ebert
P.O. Box 986
Plainfield, IN 46168