The Sandpiper Bay HOA held a meeting on July 15th at MCL Cafeteria. Over 20 homeowners, two representatives of Property Service Group, and the HOA’s attorney, Jacob Lawrence, were present. The meeting started with details and Q&A session with Mr. Lawrence regarding the latest rental amendment. Here are some highlights as to what he explained:
1. Going forward, any homeowner that is currently renting their unit can continue to rent. If their tenant leaves, the homeowner can find another tenant and continue to rent.
2. Going forward, if a current homeowner has lived in their unit for 5 years, they are able to rent. If a current homeowner has lived in their unit for 3 years, they would need to remain a resident in that unit for another 2 years and then they are able to rent.
3. When renting a unit, the minimum lease of 1 year is required.
4. Tenant information is to be given to the Property Management Co for communication purposes. We want tenants to receive Newsletters and feel a part of the community.
Sandpiper Bay Homeowners mingle safely prior to the start of the July 15th HOA meeting.
5. The entire unit must be rented, sub-leasing is not allowed.
6. A homeowner must be current with HOA dues to rent.
7. The homeowner is liable for tenant actions. Tenants must still follow the Covenants and By-Laws that govern the community.
8. A Hardship Waiver can be submitted to the Board if the homeowner is in desperate need of renting their unit but may not meet the qualifications.
If you still have questions/concerns, please reach out to or a board member. We are happy to answer any questions and if we do not know the answer, we will contact our attorney. We are asking that ballots be postmarked by August 31st or they can be dropped off with a Board member.
Other items of business at the meeting included a discussion about our landscape/mowing provider, an up coming community garage sale in September and various other topics. The next HOA meeting is tentatively set for September.
Since the last newsletter, the board has walked the community and made a list of items that we feel need to be addressed. They will be addressed based on budget and urgency. Items noted include:
- Front areas & Back patio areas are the responsibility of the homeowner. Thank you to all who have taken the time to refresh their area this summer by weeding and planting, they look amazing! There are just a few that need assistance and the board will be contacting those homeowners to see if we can assist with cleanup and trimming.
- Trees always seem to be a topic of discussion at Sandpiper. Lesson learned is never plant a River Birch tree! There are many trees that need to be removed and trees that need to be trimmed. We are all aware and will work to conquer this undertaking.
- Bushes are also a topic of discussion at Sandpiper. Bushes will be trimmed.
- Common Areas are another frequent topic of conversation at Sandpiper. There are 3 different overgrown areas between buildings 4 & 5 lakeside that will be removed. Do Not Feed the Geese signs will be painted and straightened. The growth around utility boxes will be removed.
- Address Numbers are being replaced on the buildings that have been painted and will be replaced going forward as buildings are painted. Currently, not all numbers are the same style throughout the community and so this will rectify this issue.
- A raccoon issue has been reported on the south side. We have signed a contract with a trapper service that will be catching our little critters.
- The Board will be meeting with the Landscaping Company that currently mows our lawn at Sandpiper. We will walk the property and point out issues that have been brought up and see what can be done to rectify them. Example, weeds around utility boxes, grass trimmings blown up to the edge of the unit and now the grass is dead, weed whacking, etc.
- We will be talking with ASAP who treats the lake to see if they can also spray the Rip Rap (seawall) around the lake for weeds.
- The front lamp post outage on the West side has been corrected.
- We have a low-lying area on the east side, south of the pool. This area collects water when it rains and attract mosquitoes. We have requested these to be filled in with topsoil and seeded in order to correct.
- We continue to see dogs tied up with no homeowner outside with the dog. Please remember to stay with your dog when outside
- Security- Please make sure that your front lamp post has a working light bulb. Washing the glass brightens the light too.
- If you would like to have your back light(s) fixture updated to match the front, please contact This update is at the homeowner's expense.
- If you have a question about who is responsible for what, there is a Maintenance Checklist on the website that will answer your question(s).
- We all received a notice about illegal parking on the city street that runs through Sandpiper. Our security company will enforce ticketing and towing of illegally parked vehicles
- The Board has received complaints about signs being hung in windows. According to our Covenants, there is to be no signage hung in windows. Signs can be placed in front area of each unit that the homeowners is responsible for. If you have signs hung in your windows, we ask that they please be removed.
- Thank you to Lin Harrell and Bonnie Grimble for maintaining the pool and pool area so homeowners stay safe! Sandpiper Bay received a stellar review from the Indian State Board of Health, and it is all thanks to Lin and Bonnie!!
- Thank you to Donita Murphy-Sims for coordinating our social events!
- Thank you to Dan and Jackson Ingersol for giving us a fabulous fireworks show!
- Thank you to everyone that puts forth the effort and makes the time to contribute to making Sandpiper Bay a proud place to call home!
- A resident spoke out at the HOA meeting in appreciation of how well dog owners are picking up after their dog. Thank you, dog owners!